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Fomapan Classic 100 | 35mm - 36 exp

Fomapan Classic 100 | 35mm - 36 exp

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FOMAPAN CLASSIC 100 is a panchromatically sensitized, black and white negative film designed for taking photographs. The film meets high requirements for low granularity, high resolving power and contour sharpness and a wide range of halftones. This stock has a nominal speed rating of ISO 100, but due to its wide exposure latitude the film gives good results even when pulling at ISO 50 or pushing at ISO 400 without any change in processing, without lengthening the development time or increasing the temperature of the developer used. To make prints or enlargements, Fomabrom and Fomaspeed enlarging papers are recommended. However, all sorts of black-and-white enlargement papers can be used.

Film Format: 35mm

Number of Exposures: 36

Film Type: Panchromatic B&W Negative

Film Speed: ISO 100

Film Processing: B&W

Number of Rolls: 1

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